About Us


Graduating from John A. Logan College in 2015 under the instruction of the incredibly talented Bill Connell, Hanna began her career in massage therapy working in Chiropractic offices in Southern Illinois. Her skills were taken across the US working in both medical and spa settings in Oregon, being contracted for private events in New York, and she has been settled into the Southern California massage community since 2018. Working alongside the cannabis industry, she marketed her first California business, Infused Touch, toward clients who wanted to integrate cannabis oils into their service which can accompany the pain relief massage already provides in astounding ways. Following  a break from the pandemic, Hanna focused on creating a broader reach to connect with those in need, especially those interested in redeveloping the human connection that was lost post 2020. Her trauma-informed care approach to massage therapy is what brings her the most joy as she hopes to bring a sense of peace and wellbeing to her clients.